Source code for rspub.cli.rscli

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:samp:`Command line interface to publish resources under the ResourceSync Framework`

The module :class:`` offers an interface to configure, select and run the publishing of resources under
the `ResourceSync framework <>`_. Start `rscli` from anywhere
on the system::

    python3 rspub/cli/

The internals of the command line interface resemble a three-room house. You enter the house in
the ``rspub`` room. From there you can enter the rooms ``configure`` and ``select``. You leave the rooms and
the house by typing ``exit``. In all rooms you can get help by typing ``help``.

.. figure:: ../../img/rscli.png

    Fig. 1. Geography of `rscli`.

import sys
import traceback

if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
    raise RuntimeError("Your Python has version 2. This application needs Python3.x")

import os
import cmd, glob

# Start this module from anywhere on the system: append root directory of project.
#                rspub-core         rspub           cli     
from import ResourceSync
from rspub.core.selector import Selector
from rspub.util.observe import EventObserver
from rspub.core.rs_paras import RsParameters
from rspub.core.config import Configuration, Configurations
from rspub.core.rs_enum import Strategy, SelectMode

# Set up gnureadline as readline if installed.
__GNU_READLINE__ = False
    import gnureadline
    sys.modules['readline'] = gnureadline
    __GNU_READLINE__ = "gnu"
except ImportError:

PARAS = RsParameters()

[docs]def str2bool(v, none=False): if v: return v.lower() in ["yes", "y", "true", "t", "1", "on", "o"] else: return none
[docs]class SuperCmd(cmd.Cmd): _complete_ = "-> Press 2 x <tab> for options, 1 x <tab> for completion.\n" if __GNU_READLINE__ else "" _complete_ += "-> For help type: help" stop = False
[docs] def __init__(self): cmd.Cmd.__init__(self)
def __complete_path__(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): # see: before_arg = line.rfind(" ", 0, begidx) if before_arg == -1: return # arg not found fixed = line[before_arg + 1:begidx] # fixed portion of the arg arg = line[before_arg + 1:endidx] pattern = arg + '*' completions = [] for path in glob.glob(pattern): path = self._append_slash_if_dir(path) completions.append(path.replace(fixed, "", 1)) return completions def _append_slash_if_dir(self, p): if p and os.path.isdir(p) and p[-1] != os.sep: return p + os.sep else: return p def __confirm__(self, question): self.stdout.write(self.prompt + question + " (yes | no) ") self.stdout.flush() line = self.stdin.readline() if not len(line): line = 'EOF' else: line = line.rstrip('\r\n') return str2bool(line) def __ask__(self, question): self.stdout.write(self.prompt + question + " ") self.stdout.flush() line = self.stdin.readline() if not len(line): line = 'EOF' else: line = line.rstrip('\r\n') return line
[docs] def postcmd(self, stop, line): # Hook method executed just after a command dispatch is finished return self.stop
[docs] def do_exit(self, line): self.stop = True
[docs] def help_exit(self): print("exit\n\tExit", self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def do_EOF(self, line): """ EOF, Ctrl+D, Ctrl+C:: Exit the application. """ print("Bye from", __file__) sys.exit()
[docs] def complete_configuration(text): if not text: completions = Configurations.list_configurations()[:] else: completions = [x for x in Configurations.list_configurations() if x.startswith(text)] return completions
[docs] def do_list_configurations(self, line): """ list_configurations:: List saved configurations """ print("====================") print("Saved configurations") print("====================") for config in Configurations.list_configurations(): print(config) print("") print("====================")
[docs] def do_list_parameters(self, line): """ list_parameters:: List current parameters """ print("================================================================================") print("Parameters for Metadata Publishing") print("================================================================================") print(PARAS.describe(True)) print("================================================================================")
[docs]class RsPub(SuperCmd, EventObserver): prompt = "rspub > " intro = "================================================== \n" + \ "Command Line Interface for ResourceSync Publishing \n" + \ "================================================== \n" + SuperCmd._complete_
[docs] def __init__(self): SuperCmd.__init__(self)
[docs] def do_configure(self, line): """ configure:: Switch to configuration mode """ Configure().cmdloop()
[docs] def do_select(self, line): """ select:: Switch to select mode """ Select().cmdloop()
[docs] def do_run(self, line): """ run:: run rspub with the current configuration. """ # SELECTOR -> yes -> SELECTOR.location -> yes -> associated -> yes -> [runs] # no| no| no| # P.selector > y > [run] [runs] P.selector -> yes -> ask ->yes-> [runs] # no| no| no| # [abort] [runs] [abort] # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- global PARAS global SELECTOR run = False # rs.execute() runs = False # rs.execute(SELECTOR) abort = False if PARAS.select_mode == SelectMode.simple and PARAS.simple_select_file: SELECTOR = Selector() SELECTOR.include(PARAS.simple_select_file) if SELECTOR is None: if PARAS.selector_file is None: abort = "No selector and configuration not associated with selector. Run aborted." else: run = True else: if SELECTOR.location is None \ or SELECTOR.abs_location() == PARAS.selector_file \ or PARAS.selector_file is None: runs = True elif self.__confirm__("Associate current configuration with selector?"): runs = True else: abort = "Not associating current configuration with selector. Run aborted." if abort: print(abort) elif run or runs: try: rs = ResourceSync(**PARAS.__dict__) rs.register(self) rs.execute(SELECTOR) # == rs.execute() if SELECTOR is None for [run] PARAS = RsParameters(**rs.__dict__) # catch up with updated paras except Exception as err: traceback.print_exc() print("\nUncompleted run: {0}".format(err)) else: # we should not end here! location = None if SELECTOR: location = SELECTOR.abs_location() print("Missed a path in tree: ", SELECTOR, location, PARAS.selector_file)
[docs] def do_exit(self, line): """ EOF, Ctrl+D, Ctrl+C:: Exit the application. """ self.do_EOF(line)
# EventObserver callbacks
[docs] def confirm_clear_metadata_directory(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.__confirm__("Clear metadata directory '%s'?" % kwargs["metadata_dir"])
[docs] def inform_completed_document(*args, **kwargs): event = args[1].name sitemap_data = kwargs["sitemap_data"] path = ", sitemap: " + sitemap_data.path resource_count = ", resources: " + str(sitemap_data.resource_count) print(event, resource_count, path)
[docs] def inform_execution_end(*args, **kwargs): event = args[1].name new_sitemaps = kwargs["new_sitemaps"] print(event) print("\tsitemaps created or updated:", len(new_sitemaps)) for smd in new_sitemaps: print("\t", smd.capability_name, smd.path, "count:", smd.resource_count, "saved:", smd.document_saved)
[docs]class Configure(SuperCmd): prompt = "configure > " intro = "============================= \n" + \ "Configure Metadata Publishing \n" + \ "============================= \n" + SuperCmd._complete_
[docs] def __init__(self): SuperCmd.__init__(self)
[docs] def do_open_configuration(self, name): """ open_configuration [name]:: Open a saved configuration """ global PARAS if name: try: PARAS = RsParameters(config_name=name) self.do_list_parameters(name) except ValueError as err: print("\nIllegal argument: {0}".format(err)) else: print("Open a configuration. Specify a name:") self.do_list_configurations(name)
[docs] def complete_open_configuration(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): return self.complete_configuration(text)
[docs] def do_save_configuration(self, name): """ save_configuration [name]:: Save the current configuration as (name) """ if name: PARAS.save_configuration_as(name) print("Current configuration saved as '%s'" % name) else: print("Current configuration saved as '%s'" % PARAS.configuration_name())
[docs] def do_remove_configuration(self, name): """ remove_configuration [name]:: Remove a saved configuration """ if name: if self.__confirm__("Remove configuration '%s'?" % name): if Configurations.remove_configuration(name): print("Removed configuration %s" % name) else: print("No configuration with the name %s" % name) else: print("Remove a configuration. Specify a name:") self.do_list_configurations(name)
[docs] def complete_remove_configuration(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): return self.complete_configuration(text)
[docs] def do_reset(self, line): """ reset:: Reset the configuration to default settings. """ global PARAS if self.__confirm__("Reset configuration '%s' to default settings?" % PARAS.configuration_name()): Configuration().core_clear() PARAS = RsParameters() PARAS.save_configuration() self.do_list_parameters(line)
[docs] def do_resource_dir(self, path): """ resource_dir:: resource_dir - Get the parameter resource_dir [path] - Set the parameter ---------------------------------------- The resource_dir acts as the root of the resources to be published. The urls to the resources are calculated relative to the resource_dir. """ print("Was:" if path else "Current:", PARAS.resource_dir) if path: try: PARAS.resource_dir = path PARAS.save_configuration(True) print("Now:", PARAS.resource_dir) except ValueError as err: print("\nIllegal argument: {0}".format(err))
[docs] def complete_resource_dir(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): return self.__complete_path__(text, line, begidx, endidx)
[docs] def do_metadata_dir(self, path): """ metadata_dir:: metadata_dir - Get the parameter metadata_dir [path] - Set the parameter ---------------------------------------- The metadata_dir is where sitemaps will be stored. The metadata_dir is always relative to the resource_dir """ print("Was:" if path else "Current:", PARAS.metadata_dir) if path: try: PARAS.metadata_dir = path PARAS.save_configuration(True) print("Now:", PARAS.metadata_dir) except ValueError as err: print("\nIllegal argument: {0}".format(err))
[docs] def do_description_dir(self, path): """ description_dir:: description_dir - Get the parameter description_dir [path] - Set the parameter description_dir None - Reset the parameter --------------------------------------------- The path to the directory of the (local copy of) the source description, aka '.well-known/resourcesync' """ print("Was:" if path else "Current:", PARAS.description_dir) if path: try: if path == "None": path = None PARAS.description_dir = path PARAS.save_configuration(True) print("Now:", PARAS.description_dir) except ValueError as err: print("\nIllegal argument: {0}".format(err))
[docs] def complete_description_dir(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): return self.__complete_path__(text, line, begidx, endidx)
[docs] def do_url_prefix(self, url): """ url_prefix:: url_prefix - Get the parameter url_prefix [prefix] - Set the parameter ---------------------------------------- The url_prefix is used to prefix urls to documents and resources. """ print("Was:" if url else "Current:", PARAS.url_prefix) if url: try: PARAS.url_prefix = url PARAS.save_configuration(True) print("Now:", PARAS.url_prefix) except ValueError as err: print("\nIllegal argument: {0}".format(err))
[docs] def do_has_wellknown_at_root(self, value): """ has_wellknown_at_root:: has_wellknown_at_root - Get the parameter has_wellknown_at_root (yes | no) - Set the parameter ---------------------------------------------------- The description document '.well-known/resourcesync' is at the root of the server address. """ print("Was:" if value else "Current:", PARAS.has_wellknown_at_root) if value: PARAS.has_wellknown_at_root = str2bool(value, none=PARAS.has_wellknown_at_root) PARAS.save_configuration(True) print("Now:", PARAS.has_wellknown_at_root)
[docs] def do_strategy(self, name): """ strategy:: strategy - Get the parameter strategy [strategy] - Set the parameter ---------------------------------------- The strategy determines what will be done by ResourceSync upon execution. """ print("Was:" if name else "Current:", PARAS.strategy) if name: try: PARAS.strategy = name PARAS.save_configuration(True) print("Now:", PARAS.strategy) except ValueError as err: print("\nIllegal argument: {0}".format(err))
[docs] def complete_strategy(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): if not text: completions = Strategy.names()[:] else: completions = [x for x in Strategy.names() if x.startswith(text)] return completions
# # Too troublesome to actively set a selector file on parameters. # What if not there. How keep association between parameters and selector. # Solution: Keep a weak association between parameters and selector. # 1. associate selector file and parameters upon execution, if selector and selector is saved. # 2. upon execution and no filenames, look for saved selector in parameters. # def do_selector_file(self, path): # """ # selector_file:: # # selector_file Get the parameter # selector_file [path] Set the parameter # selector_file None Reset the parameter # --------------------------------------- # The selector_file points to the location of the file that stores # (the contents of) a rspub.core.selector.Selector # # """ # print("Was:" if path else "Current:", PARAS.selector_file) # if path: # try: # if path == "None": # path = None # PARAS.selector_file = path # PARAS.save_configuration(True) # print("Now:", PARAS.selector_file) # except ValueError as err: # print("\nIllegal argument: {0}".format(err)) # # def complete_selector_file(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): # return self.__complete_path__(text, line, begidx, endidx)
[docs] def do_discard_selector_file(self, line): """ discard_selector_file:: Remove the association between this configuration and selector (if any). An association between a configuration and a selector is set after execution of ResourceSync with a Selector as file selector. """ if PARAS.selector_file: if self.__confirm__("Discard association between configuration '%s' and selector at '%s'?" % (PARAS.configuration_name(), PARAS.selector_file)): PARAS.selector_file = None PARAS.save_configuration(True) else: print("Configuration '%s' is not associated with a selector." % PARAS.configuration_name())
[docs] def do_select_mode(self, mode): """ select_mode:: select_mode - Get the parameter select_mode [mode] - Set the parameter --------------------------------------- Mode for selecting resources. """ print("Was:" if mode else "Current:", PARAS.select_mode) if mode: try: PARAS.select_mode = mode PARAS.save_configuration(True) print("Now:", PARAS.select_mode) except ValueError as err: print("\nIllegal argument: {0}".format(err))
[docs] def complete_select_mode(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): if not text: completions = SelectMode.names()[:] else: completions = [x for x in SelectMode.names() if x.startswith(text)] return completions
[docs] def do_plugin_dir(self, path): """ plugin_dir:: plugin_dir - Get the parameter plugin_dir [path] - Set the parameter plugin_dir None - Reset the parameter --------------------------------------- The directory where plugins can be found. """ print("Was:" if path else "Current:", PARAS.plugin_dir) if path: try: if path == "None": path = None PARAS.plugin_dir = path PARAS.save_configuration(True) print("Now:", PARAS.plugin_dir) except ValueError as err: print("\nIllegal argument: {0}".format(err))
[docs] def complete_plugin_dir(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): return self.__complete_path__(text, line, begidx, endidx)
[docs] def do_max_items_in_list(self, value): """ max_items_in_list:: max_items_in_list - Get the parameter max_items_in_list (int, 1 - 50000) - Set the parameter ------------------------------------------------------ The maximum amount of records in a sitemap. """ print("Was:" if value else "Current:", PARAS.max_items_in_list) if (value): try: PARAS.max_items_in_list = int(value) PARAS.save_configuration(True) print("Now:", PARAS.max_items_in_list) except ValueError as err: print("\nIllegal argument: {0}".format(err))
[docs] def do_zero_fill_filename(self, value): """ zero_fill_filename:: zero_fill_filename - Get the parameter zero_fill_filename (int, 1 - 10) - Set the parameter ---------------------------------------------------- The amount of digits in a sitemap filename. """ print("Was:" if value else "Current:", PARAS.zero_fill_filename) if (value): try: PARAS.zero_fill_filename = int(value) PARAS.save_configuration(True) print("Now:", PARAS.zero_fill_filename) except ValueError as err: print("\nIllegal argument: {0}".format(err))
[docs] def do_is_saving_pretty_xml(self, value): """ is_saving_pretty_xml:: is_saving_pretty_xml - Get the parameter is_saving_pretty_xml (yes | no) - Set the parameter --------------------------------------------------- Determines appearance of sitemap xml. """ print("Was:" if value else "Current:", PARAS.is_saving_pretty_xml) if value: PARAS.is_saving_pretty_xml = str2bool(value, none=PARAS.is_saving_pretty_xml) PARAS.save_configuration(True) print("Now:", PARAS.is_saving_pretty_xml)
[docs] def do_is_saving_sitemaps(self, value): """ is_saving_sitemaps:: is_saving_sitemaps - Get the parameter is_saving_sitemaps (yes | no) - Set the parameter ------------------------------------------------- Determines if sitemaps will be written to disk. """ print("Was:" if value else "Current:", PARAS.is_saving_sitemaps) if value: PARAS.is_saving_sitemaps = str2bool(value, none=PARAS.is_saving_sitemaps) PARAS.save_configuration(True) print("Now:", PARAS.is_saving_sitemaps)
[docs]class Select(SuperCmd): prompt = "select > " intro = "======================================= \n" + \ "Select data for ResourceSync Publishing \n" + \ "======================================= \n" + SuperCmd._complete_
[docs] def __init__(self): global SELECTOR SuperCmd.__init__(self) if PARAS.selector_file: try: SELECTOR = Selector(PARAS.selector_file) print("Loaded Selector from", SELECTOR.abs_location()) except Exception as err: print("\nSelector error: {0}".format(err)) if SELECTOR is None: SELECTOR = Selector()
[docs] def do_load_selector(self, path): """ load_selector:: load_selector [path] - Load Selector from location [path] --------------------------------------------------------- If the current Selector has unsaved changes, you will be prompted to save or discard. """ global SELECTOR if path and self.check_exit(): try: SELECTOR = Selector(path) print("Loaded Selector from", SELECTOR.abs_location()) except Exception as err: print("\nSelector error: {0}".format(err))
[docs] def complete_load_selector(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): return self.__complete_path__(text, line, begidx, endidx)
[docs] def do_save_selector(self, path): """ save_selector:: save_selector - Save current selector save_selector [path] - Save current selector as [path] """ try: if path: SELECTOR.write(path) else: SELECTOR.write() print("Saved selector as %s" % SELECTOR.abs_location()) except Exception as err: print("\nUnable to save: {0}".format(err))
[docs] def complete_save_selector(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): return self.__complete_path__(text, line, begidx, endidx)
[docs] def do_include_path(self, path): """ include_path:: include_path [path] - Add a file or directory to the collection of includes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The [path] can be relative or absolute. """ if path: SELECTOR.include(path) print("Included:", path) else: print("Usage: include_path [path] - Include the given path or directory")
[docs] def complete_include_path(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): return self.__complete_path__(text, line, begidx, endidx)
[docs] def do_list_includes(self, line): """ list_includes:: List absolute filenames of the included files. """ print("======================================================") print("Included files. Selector.location = %s" % SELECTOR.abs_location()) print("======================================================") file_count = 0 for file in SELECTOR.list_includes(): file_count += 1 print(file) print("Total included files: %d" % file_count) print("======================================================")
[docs] def do_exclude_path(self, path): """ exclude_path:: exclude_path [path] - Add a file or directory to the collection of excludes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The [path] can be relative or absolute. """ if path: SELECTOR.exclude(path) print("Excluded:", path) else: print("Usage: exclude_path [path] - Exclude the given path or directory")
[docs] def complete_exclude_path(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): return self.__complete_path__(text, line, begidx, endidx)
[docs] def do_list_excludes(self, line): """ list_excludes:: List absolute filenames of the excluded files. """ print("======================================================") print("Excluded files. Selector.location = %s" % SELECTOR.abs_location()) print("======================================================") file_count = 0 for file in SELECTOR.list_excludes(): file_count += 1 print(file) print("Total excluded files: %d" % file_count) print("======================================================")
[docs] def do_list_selected(self, line): """ list_selected:: List absolute filenames of the selected files. The selected files are the relative complement of excludes with respect to includes. (list_includes \ list_excludes) """ print("======================================================") print("Selected files. Selector.location = %s" % SELECTOR.abs_location()) print("======================================================") file_count = 0 for file in SELECTOR: file_count += 1 print(file) print("Total selected files: %d" % file_count) print("======================================================")
[docs] def do_read_includes(self, path): """ read_includes:: read_includes [path] - Read included filenames from a file at [path] """ if path: try: SELECTOR.read_includes(path) print("Filenames from '%s' included." % path) except Exception as err: print("\nUnable to read includes: {0}".format(err)) else: print("Usage: read_includes [path] - Read included filenames from a file at [path]")
[docs] def complete_read_includes(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): return self.__complete_path__(text, line, begidx, endidx)
[docs] def do_read_excludes(self, path): """ read_excludes:: read_excludes [path] - Read excluded filenames from a file at [path] """ if path: try: SELECTOR.read_excludes(path) print("Filenames from '%s' excluded." % path) except Exception as err: print("\nUnable to read excludes: {0}".format(err)) else: print("Usage: read_excludes [path] - Read excluded filenames from a file at [path]")
[docs] def complete_read_excludes(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): return self.__complete_path__(text, line, begidx, endidx)
[docs] def do_clear_includes(self, line): """ clear_includes:: Clear included filenames from selector. """ if self.__confirm__("Clear included filenames from selector?"): SELECTOR.clear_includes() self.do_list_includes(line)
[docs] def do_clear_excludes(self, line): """ clear_excludes:: Clear excluded filenames from selector. """ if self.__confirm__("Clear excluded filenames from selector?"): SELECTOR.clear_excludes() self.do_list_excludes(line)
[docs] def do_discard_include(self, path): """ discard_include:: discard_include [path] - Remove [path] from included filenames. """ if path: SELECTOR.discard_include(path) else: print("Usage: discard_include [path] - remove [path] from included filenames.")
[docs] def complete_discard_include(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): return self.__complete_path__(text, line, begidx, endidx)
[docs] def do_discard_exclude(self, path): """ discard_exclude:: discard_exclude [path] - Remove [path] from excluded filenames. """ if path: SELECTOR.discard_exclude(path) else: print("Usage: discard_exclude [path] - remove [path] from excluded filenames.")
[docs] def complete_discard_exclude(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): return self.__complete_path__(text, line, begidx, endidx)
[docs] def do_get_included_entries(self, line): """ get_included_entries:: List included entries. """ print("=========================================================") print("Included entries. Selector.location = %s" % SELECTOR.abs_location()) print("=========================================================") [print(x) for x in SELECTOR.get_included_entries()] print("=========================================================")
[docs] def do_get_excluded_entries(self, line): """ get_excluded_entries:: List excluded entries. """ print("=========================================================") print("Excluded entries. Selector.location = %s" % SELECTOR.abs_location()) print("=========================================================") [print(x) for x in SELECTOR.get_excluded_entries()] print("=========================================================")
[docs] def check_exit(self): save = self.__confirm__("Selector might have unsaved changes. Save changes to disk?") if save and SELECTOR.location: self.do_save_selector(SELECTOR.location) return True elif save: print("Use command 'save_selector' to save current selector.") return False return True
[docs] def do_exit(self, line): if self.check_exit(): self.stop = True
[docs] def do_EOF(self, line): """ EOF, Ctrl+D, Ctrl+C:: Exit the application. """ if self.check_exit(): print("Bye from", __file__) sys.exit()
if __name__ == '__main__': try: RsPub().cmdloop() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Bye\n")